Ross River Virus in Horses

Ross River Virus in Horses

Just like humans, horses are affected by Ross River Fever. The Ross River virus is transmitted by mosquitos when the seasonal conditions are suitable such as what we have had in the last six months with our wet spring and summer. There has certainly been an epidemic of human cases in the Benalla region and we have also seen several cases of this disease in horses. 

As with humans a fever is usually seen together with stiffness and swollen joints and sometimes coughing and incoordination. There is no specific treatment because it is viral and most horses, given supportive care and anti inflammatories, will recover in 2-5 days. 

Diagnosis is by way of a blood test and because of the recent human outbreak the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) has offered funding to help offset the cost of blood testing. 

We recommend anyone who has a horse who is showing any of these clinical symptoms contact our clinic and organise a vet visit. 
